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Added: August 8, 2024
Sale Price: ₱67000
Location: Angeles
Phone: +2348028911519
Views: 86
…+2348028911519….HOW TO JOIN OCCULT TO MAKE MONEY AND BECOME A BILLIONAIRE OVER NIGHT CALL THE GROUND MASTER ODUNGA BROTHERHOODS OCCULT NOW +2348028911519 , i want to join occult to be rich and famous, i want to join occult to be rich in Ghana, instant money rituals, rituals to become rich, money ritual without human sacrifice, money rituals in Nigeria, i want to join Odunga Brotherhoods occult and become a millionaire contact us now(+2348028911519)
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Odunga Brotherhoods Temple
Join Odunga Brotherhoods occult today and say goodbye to poverty forever, do what tho wish that is the law, we are god on our own, your wealth is in your palm and your success in your arms, take that bold step now and be happy for the rest of your life, it is not your fault if you are born in a poor family but it is your fault if you die poor, life is a game and money is how we keep scores, it is better to cry in your mansion than to cry in a mud house, THINK FAST NOW THAT YOU HAVE THE CHANCE CALL +2348028911519
Is someone standing in your way, preventing you from fulfilling your dreams or getting what you want? When all other tactics fail, you can join the Odunga secret occult to bring about the outcome you desire. Our rituals is fueled by powerful forces and spirits.
Although money is not necessary for you to experience things, money and freedom mean the same thing. And at core of who we are, there is an awareness of our right to freedom, which is why our relationship to money is one of the main themes in our life experience. Therefore, it is not surprising that we all have such strong feelings about money.
We want to show you that the alignment of your thoughts of making money, the way you feel about this idea, and the money that flows into your pocket. If you can bring these thoughts into alignment consciously, you will gain access to the powers of the universe, and then you will see that time and physical effort are quite irrelevant to your financial success.
Let’s begin with a simple premise of your world and universe: You get what you think. We often hear people say that cannot be right, because I have wanted more money all my life and I have thought about it, and yet I still struggle with the fact that I do not have enough of it. And what we always tell them afterwards, is that the most important thing to improve your financial situation is to really understand where struggles stem from.
We can give your business new hope through our use of rituals you will attract more money and have greater success. Success or failure often depends on “accidental” meetings and “random”, suddenly opened possibilities. Even Albert Einstein said: “There are no coincidences. God does not play dice.
Money Magic
The right way of thinking
When you talk or think about money and you feel discomfort or fear, you are not speaking about money, but instead the lack of it. When you speak about money and you feel joy, comfort and think about prosperity and well being, you will get it.The difference is significant because the second statement makes money, the first keeps money from you.
It is important, how you think about money and more importantly how you feel about money. If you say things like: ‘Oh this is beautiful, if only I could afford it’. Such thoughts are the sign, that you don’t have the harmonious attitude towards wealth and prosperity. So, first step is to understand, what is wrong with your thoughts and attitudes. Only if you know your problem, you can change it! Instead of the feeling of disappointment or lack of something, which cannot be fulfilled now, your attention should be more focused on what you want. No on the absence of it.
Many people constantly associate the feeling of not having enough with their lives; because they lack the ability to think beyond what they actually experience. In other words, if they see money is scarce, and are aware of it and often speak of it, they will remain in this state and this thought pattern will become chronic. Now I know many of you are protesting what I am saying, but the truth is that the power lies within you. You must understand that you will not achieve your desire if you continue just to look for it and speak of it. You also need to take an action! It is the second step. Extend who you are, you cannot fulfil your desire with your current identity, you need to become more than you are today. For example, if you want to be successful, you have to adapt the behaviour and habits of successful people!
Our way of thinking is what creates our life! How we think is how we experience our reality. Transform your thinking, be grateful for everything, and you will attract more experience worthy of being grateful. This transformation is occult Magic! And if you support this with some success ritual, you will attract the chance you are waiting for.
Most important is to find a balance
If you care only about your inner harmony, strengthen the things that you accumlate and focus on your actions and your state of well being, but if you do not find this balance and try to feel better, do more things and activities in order to feel better, you do not ever pick up the balance.
For most people this will comes from a place of lacking, in many cases they want something just because they do not have it, and once they have the possession they are not satisfied inside because there is always something that they do not have. Thus, it becomes an endless struggle, always one more thing they want and that will not make them happy even if it is brought into their lives.
Amulet to find a job
For those looking for a job of any kind.
In the language of the sacred, Tyr represents success and victory in a search. It is the rune of the Norse god Tiw, a mighty warrior and noble ally in times of need. In runic alphabet Tyr is the first of eight runes according to traditional reigns. So all of the blessings, strength, determination and perseverance of this God can help you. When you call on the magical properties of this rune they will strengthen your resolve and your imagination, so that your search for a good paying job will be rewarded with success. You have noticed in the illustration that Tyr resembles an arrow. This represents how important it is to have a clear goal in mind when searching for a job. The rune also features a refuge, which suggest that this spell is needed and not used by the greedy and thus real success is likely to be obtained.
To turn on the charm:
Time: To reach your goals do this spell during a crescent moon. Wednesday is the best day as it is the day of understanding and the planet Mercury. Tuesday, which is named after the god Tiw, is considered the second best choice.
Spell Application:
1 Construct a circle as directed
2 Ignite a candle with these words. ‘Spirit of success look over, me secure me, hold me.
3 Hold the flint firmly between your palms, and imagine yourself happy and satisfied on the way to work with a bag full of money.
4 When you are ready take a deep breath and breathe onto the stone as you imagine that everything you have just requested, will be transferred to the stone( +2348028911519).
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